Friday, September 16, 2011

When is enough enough?

More attacks on public education, especially teachers, have been taking place here in Michigan.  It wasn't enough that the Republican-dominated legislature has passed and Republican Governor Rick Snyder has signed into law sweeping changes in teacher tenure and evaluations in June.  No, while the legislature did take a break from the onslaught temporarily this summer, they have been back at it full-steam-ahead during the past week and a half.

First, Sen. Pavlov introduces a package of bills (SB 618-624) that further deconstruct public education as we know it.  This package of bills does a number of things such outsourcing teachers (yes, hiring teachers from a private company), lifting the cap on charters, lifting the restrictions on cyber schools, allowing foundation money to go to private schools, and requiring public schools to participate in a statewide schools of choice, with restrictions on turning down out-of-district students. 

What these bills essentially say to current public school teachers and the parents of the children who attend these public schools, is that ANYTHING GOES!!  It doesn't matter about teacher quality, more taxpayer money going to private companies or private religious schools,  or even real,  face-to-face contact with students.  No, none of this matters because the legislature is "reinventing" public education in Michigan, by bypassing unions, siphoning money to private companies and forcing money-strapped districts to accept expensive out-of-district students without any additional funding.  No, this is what is best for the students of Michigan.  Our trusty legislators are education experts, you know, because they themselves have been through the public education system and send their children to public schools (Ooops, they send their kids to private schools, don't they?).

It gets even better...A few days ago, both the Senate and the House introduced bills that would prohibit the collection of unions dues through a payroll deduction.  Why?  It's not that this costs school districts any money.  It's not because it would benefit students in any way.  No, it is only because the MEA supported the recall effort of one of their own, Rep. Paul Scott.  This is nothing more than retaliation for a successful attempt to get the recall of Rep. Scott on the November ballot.  Paybacks.  I'm pretty sure it won't stop here.

If you are a public school teacher, or the spouse of one, or the friend of one, or a parent of public school students, you need to let our Michigan legislators know that this attack on public education and public school teachers must stop!  Please, contact them and let them know that you value our public school system.

I have included a video of MEA President Steve Cook's message to members taped earlier this evening.  He encourages everyone to get involved.  It is no longer acceptable to sit by and do nothing.

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