Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Collecting Signatures, Part II: An Interesting Twist

As I wrote in my last post, I have been working on the petition drive to recall Rep. Paul Scott and Gov. Rick Snyder for the past week.  Today took an interesting turn.  Apparently, Rep. Scott is beginning to feel the pressure and he has decided to "press" back.  While working at Grand Blanc High School this afternoon, a car arrived carrying two Paul Scott supporters, one with a video camera, and one with flyers.  I know that they had just as much right to be there as we did.  We couldn't ask them to leave.  Their tactic was to stand right next to the parking lot (before the petition table) and video tape signers as they walked toward out table.  The video taping was meant to intimidate (I believe) the signers.  The other gentleman would give a flyer extolling the virtues of the new teacher tenure law while the other guy video taped.  Most people just laughed at them.  A few of them refused the flyer and told them that Paul Scott has to go!  I saw two people leave without coming up to the petition table.  I'm not sure if they wanted to sign, or if they were hecklers.  My partner was really nice to the two gentlemen.  She offered them ice cream and pizza that we had.  They declined.  These two were not rude or bullies.  The organizers of the petition drive were a little worried, but these two had little, if any impact on what we were doing.

Also of note, our group had set up another signing location in Grand Blanc today in front of a party store.  Paul Scott's people proceeded to call the party store and threaten to not shop there anymore unless the petitioners left.  These are the types of desperate tactics that are being used by the Paul Scott camp.   This tells me that he is worried, indeed!  It gives me the motivation to keep up the work we have been doing!

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