Thursday, June 16, 2011

Beginning of Summer

Yesterday marked the beginning of another summer vacation for me.  I have been a public school teacher for nearly 15 years, and the end of the school year is highly-anticipated by me as well as my students.  This year was no exception. 

Some people feel jealous when I talk about having my summers off.  What these people fail to realize is that summer vacation is necessary for teachers and students to rest, process, and gear up for the next school year.  I truly do not have three months off because I will spend the summer doing quite a bit of reading.  Yes, some of it will be for my own pleasure, but often I read new material or material that I haven';t read in several years in preparation for the next year.   I also will work on curriculum writing.  This seems to be a never-ending process because of changes sent down to us by the state.  Sometimes I even take college classes to renew my certification.  Thankfully, I don't need to do that this summer!

If you feel a twinge of jealousy because I don't have to get up and go to work tomorrow, please keep in mind that most of my work is compressed into nine or ten months and that I need to decompress in order to be at my best at the beginning of next year.

I will be posting some of my musings here throughout the summer.  Many polarizing events have been taking place around the country regarding education recently.  I feel the need to express my thoughts about some of the situations facing teachers in the near future, so stay tuned!

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